Parkinsons News: 273 headlines
Watch this Muhammad Ali Parkinson's video!
Celebrity Fight Night Video
Presented by MD Health Channel

Celebrity Fight Night:
122 Photo-Slideshow
Watch Muhammad Ali fight clips on this Parkinson's video!

Sources used by our Parkinsons News Channel Research Team:
The New York Times, CNN, FOX, CBS, BBC, Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins Medicine, UCLA Medical Center, National Institute of Health, Stanford Hospital, Memorial Sloan- Kettering, Yale Cancer Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, University of Michigan, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, National Institute of Health, American Cancer Association, NBC, Reuters News, American College of Cardiology, Journal of the American Medical Association & 100's more

Barrow Neurological Institute


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Cinnamon could fight Parkinson's as spice found to be source of chemical that helps protect brain

Cinnamon could be a secret weapon in the battle against Parkinson’s disease. Scientists have found that the spice is the source of a chemical that can protect the brain. Our liver converts cinnamon into sodium benzoate, an approved drug used in the treatment for neural disorders.

In a study of mice at Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago, a team of researchers found that the chemical then enters the brain, stops the loss of proteins that help protect cells, protects neurons and improves motor functions.

Lead researcher Professor Kalipada Pahan told the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology: ‘Cinnamon has been used widely as a spice throughout the world for centuries.

'This could potentially be one of the safest approaches to halt disease progression in Parkinson’s patients.’Professor Pahan said tests had shown that Ceylon cinnamon is better at halting Parkinson's as it is more pure.